White Spots On Side Of Throat

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Several conditions can cause white spots to appear on the tonsils, including strep throat, oral thrush, and tonsillitis. Learn more in this article.

White spots on tongue, whether in ren or adults can be caused by a number of reasons ranging from simple infection and tongue injury to serious oral cancer

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Find out why you have white spots on throat and explore possible treatments for your specific cause. Images included for easy identification of the cause.

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White spots on throat can be caused by different conditions. Some of these conditions causing small white patches on the throat should not be overlooked.

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A variety of conditions can cause white spots on throat. Noting your other symptoms and working with your doctor can help you determine what is causing the spots so

White spots on throat may occur as a result of bacterial, viral, yeast infection or due to calcified clusters on them. Streptococcal angina often causes throat white

White spots on skin may appear due to various skin conditions: vitiligo, pituriasis versicolor and others. Some light spots can be successfully treated, others

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Apr 13, 2015 · Having white spots or patches in your throat can be disconcerting, especially if you are experiencing other symptoms. White areas located in a throat can

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What causes white spots in mouth? Explore on the reasons for white patches in your mouth, small bumps that forms on tongue, throat, back, and on the roof of the mouth.

White Bumps on Tongue, Back, Tip, Side, Under Pictures, STD, Sore Throat, Get Rid, Treatment and Pictures

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