Women Tribes

Women Tribes 94

Women Tribes 83

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Khasi tribes reside in different parts of India like state of Assam, the Khasi Jaintia hills in Meghalaya, in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, West Bengal and Jammu

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The guide “Tribal Nations and the United States: An Introduction” developed by the National Congress of American Indians seeks to provide a basic overview of the

The Klamaths, the Modocs and the Yahooskin from Klamath Basin of Oregon.

Education resource for photos, videos, and information on Amazon Tribes, Amazonian Indians and natives from the Amazon River Basin of South America, including

Indian Tribes and Languages of Mexico This is an index to the Native American language and cultural information on our website pertaining to Mexican tribes.

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The Teutons (Latin: Teutones, Teutoni) were a Germanic tribe or Celtic tribe mentioned by Greek and Roman authors, notably Strabo and Marcus Velleius Paterculus.

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Women of the Kayan tribes identify themselves by their forms of dress. Women of the Kayan Lahwi tribe are well known for wearing neck rings, brass coils that are

The tribes of the Andaman Islands – the Jarawa, Great Andamanese, Onge and Sentinelese – are believed to have lived in their Indian Ocean home for up to 55,000 years.

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