Nominative Nylon

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Extrusion definition, the act of extruding or the state of being extruded. See more.

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Optical illusion definition, See under illusion (def 4). See more.

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For students of the history and romance of so-called cowman rifles, Bayonne, New Jersey isn’t a particularly evocative locale. Ilion, New York (Remington). New

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Extrusion definition, the act of extruding or the state of being extruded. See more.

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D fourth letter of the Roman alphabet, from Greek delta, from Phoenician and Hebrew daleth, pausal form of deleth “door,” so called from its shape.

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The Principality of Seborga (italian: Principato di Seborga) is a micronation or a fantasy state, that claims a 14 km 2 area located in the northwestern Italian

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D fourth letter of the Roman alphabet, from Greek delta, from Phoenician and Hebrew daleth, pausal form of deleth “door,” so called from its shape.

La pêche sportive est un type de pêche pratiqué par des personnes en possession d’une licence sportive, qui a pour objectif le plaisir de la pratique dans la

English Vocabulary with examples. Here is a list of the most common English words with examples of their use. This basic vocabulary of less than 2000 words provides a

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