Teen Sleep Clock Study Health

Information on Sleep and Your Body Clock. Includes topic overview and related information.

Teens need about 8-1/2 to more than 9 hours of sleep each night. But you might not be getting it. Here’s why – and tips for getting more shut-eye.

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Teen sleep cycles may not match family and college schedules. Help them synchronize.

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Teen car crashes tied to early classes Study compares accident rates in two Virginia counties Below: x Jump to text When high colleges start too early

Sleep deprivation may be undermining teen health. Lack of sufficient sleep–a rampant problem among teens–appears to put cents at risk for cognitive and

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Caffeine and sleep Sleep in humans can be affected by caffeine. There is an association between a daily intake of caffeine, sleep quality, and daytime sleepiness61,62.

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The SENSE Study: Treatment Mechanisms of a Cognitive Behavioral and Mindfulness-Based Group Sleep Improvement Intervention for At-Risk cents

14 Reasons Why Yoga Is Good for Your Health. Yoga, a mind and body discipline that combines breathing exercises, simple meditation and physical postures, dates back

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rhythm (sort of like an internal biological clock) is reset, telling a teen to fall asleep later at night and wake up later in the morning. This change in the

Sleep loss is taking a toll on our physical and emotional health, and on our nation’s highways.

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