Why Is Important To Cleaning Ass With Soap

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Be sure you have completed your bowel movement prior to wiping commencement. This spares you unnecessary repetition of the procedure. Choice of toilet paper is critical.

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Douching 101 Every time I talk about anal sex with straight people, especially with pure and innocent ladies, the first question they ask me is “does it

The next time a patient innocently asks me, “What’s the best toothpaste to use?” I’m going to unleash a whole Chunky Soup can of “You Want The Truth?

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Meteorologists can predict, with surprising accuracy, when a storm will roll through your town. But predicting exactly how severe it will be can still be hit and miss.

At seven feet long, Rober’s super-sized Super Soaker officially holds the Guinness World Record, but you’ll never, ever, want to find yourself caught in a water

Homemade Carpet Cleaning Solution — My secret recipe! Here is what you will need: 2 Tablespoons Liquid Tide Laundry Detergent 1/4 cup Awesome cleaner (dollar store

From DIY instructions for home improvement projects to design inspiration for your home, eHow offers all the essential how-to info you need.

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The American Cleaning Institute works toward better living and keeping people safe in their homes – especially when it comes to the safe, proper use, and storage of

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I decided I’d have to try it for myself, and so I stopped using soap and shampoo the very next day. That was over three months ago now, and I’m still going strong

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Over the years, I have found that many people aren’t aware that soap should not be used to clean the vaginal opening, the tip of the penis (urethral opening), or the

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